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Frequently Asked Questions

Our e-shop is still being updated with all our products and does not yet have 100% of them on most categories. You can purchase any of the ones available here and going through our checkout process or in the case of models not uploaded yet, you may place your order via e-mail direct to or through our "Contact Us" tab on this site assuming you have already downloaded our catalogs and identified what Item#s of the models you wish to purchase. These will be necessary in order to fullfill your request. 


Payment from anywhere in the world is accepted through PayPal and you may use any major credit card through there as well.  Only when purchases are made through this site or through DigCom Designs US we will deliver in digital format (PDF) and there are no additional shipping charges required. All products are delivered via e-mail and will use the address from your PayPal account unless otherwise requested.


Digital Downloads are available only to: U.S., Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia  


MEXICO, Central and Sounth America customers may not purchase directly from this site or from DigCom Designs US and MUST place their orders via e-mail and are restricted to printed products with corresponding shipping costs. NO DIGITAL DOWNLOADS 




Ban from the UK removed in 2019.  DigCom Designs has banned the United Kingdom of any of our products since 2012 for multiple reports of piracy and constant violation of international copyright laws by multiple customers residing in Scotland and England. This ban will remain active until further notice. No sales will be authorized.


Since these are digital products of download nature, No returns may be granted in any case, given that no guarantees can be made from the buyer that the product in question was not copied before the return. As in all Downloadable products. DigCom Designs is not responsible for the use the products are given once delivered to the buyer nor is DigCom Designs responsible for the final printing product nor card/paper used for the models. All models include specific instructions and advice as to what paper to use, printer settings and building tips.



All of our products are known as Papercraft which means they are made from paper and transform into 3D models by cutting, folding and glueing.  By paper we do not mean your standard school or office paper. Thicker and higher quality type of paper commonly know as matte photo paper or presentation paper is what you will need for all our models. You can get this type of paper at popular stores like OfficeDepot or Staples to name a few. These types of papers have a very smooth surface which provides superior printing finishes with true color tones and fine detail and its why we strongly recommend you DO NOT print our kits or models on cardstock or other similar porous types of papers. High quality paper will come in different weights. Every brand will have small differences but what you want to look for is the correct thickness that will better suit your modeling scale. Thinner for N scale and thicker for HO. This will transform into stability and rigidness of any of our models. Trial and error will have to do in many cases and not all models should use the same weight paper. You're gonna want to go thinner on more complex models like Tank-tainers or the ArroWedge and thicker on basic models like Containers and Trailers.  Some models require third party palstic or 3D printed parts (sold seperately here: Etsy) to complete the model. This would make our Papercraft models a new and unique form of papercraft in the world. Hybrid if you may.


Standard home printers and professional printers will work just fine with our products. Inkjets or Laser printers alike. What you want to do is doublecheck your printer settings first. Not having the correct settings can alter the model's correct scale size or proportions very easily. Aspects of a printer set up like Margins, Centering, Rotating or Reducing to fit in printable area for example need to be reviewed. You should print as you would a photograph. Borderless, Document at 100% original size (even if you have a warning that its not all in the printable area. Ignore it) and print at your highest printing quality. If you are concerned about your settings at first, go ahead and test print multiple times on regular letter size paper in grey scale to save valuable ink. Once you are certain you got it right.. Give it full color on your best matte presentation paper and watch how today's graphic advances roll out of your printer right before your eyes!


Please do not expect our models to have the same lifetime as a plastic, resin or metal model would. Dont let the "realness look" of our models make you forget these are still made of paper, light weight and vulnerable to rough handling. As static models, they will last a very, very long time but keep them away from sunlight, humidity or vulnerable areas or edges were they can be easily hit or rubbed.


Can I use them as active loads to manually place and remove from or around my layout as I would any other plastic load? YES, They will be made of thick, folded and glued paper, not flower petals. Have fun with them and you will quickly learn how to manipulate them along with other types of materials on your layout.


We do not recommend any of our products for children under the age of 8. Our models are low cost and very easily can be re-printed and made up again if any should become damaged or destroyed, thats the good part, the bad is that all paper can become a choking hazzard so please, dont allow smaller children to play with them. 


NOTE: DigCom Designs is not responsible for damaged models in the hands of "first timers" that were not aware they were PAPER MODELS!  (it happens more often than you might think! LOL)



Once I purchase a model, Can I Share it, Sell it or GIve it away?

Digital media is very simple to duplicate and displace very quickly at mearly no cost at all and its why I kindly ask our customers to NOT Share or sell the download links we supply, The actual PDF files, Printed sheets of our models or built models. I have invested  dozens if not hundreds of hours in the past 10+ years of research and design to get these nearly 1200+ models to you. In order for me to make a profit considering the time invested, each model has to sell at least 15 times and I assure you, less than 8% of them has met that mark.  If you like our products and have paid for them, then surely others can and should as well. We have mutiple FREE Samples available for anyone and those are ok to distribute freely.


Club Members [we have a special price list for club members. Ask us about it]

We understand its easy to coordinate a large bulk purchase amoungst friend at the club, one of each model and just copy the files for everyone to use. Dont do this. This is THEFT and a violation of DigCom Designs copiright. If anyone is reported doing this they will be reported to the corresponding authorities and their names and clubs publicly displayed and banned.


If you have built models and would rather give them away instead of throwing them in the trash, you are welcome to do so as long as you are not making a habit of selling them cheap or at an atempt of a short business at the club or on ebay. There are no Authoirzed dealers in the US or Canada unless openly mentioned by DigCom Designs.


Can I edit or make my own using parts of DigCom Designs originals?

* No one is authorized to edit any original files. If you wish to have a model or version we dont offer, ask us for it and we'll get it done for you with our standard high quality graphics you like from us. I have made 1 or 2 exceptions before and allowed for editing of our files but with the complete understanding that the edited versions were for personal use and not for resale purposes.

* Kit-bashing is different. Go ahead and have fun with them. Ive already seen some wild and crazy set ups and I think everyone should have a go at it at least once. Its quite some fun.


My intention from the beginning has always been to provide modelers with low cost versions of common and rare models and kits. I have always trusted my customers and rarely have I been dissapointed because of misuse of these. Everytime someone shares or sells any of our products its a direct disrespect to me, my time, my skills, my family and my original intent to serve the modeling community. No one deserves disrespect and I kindly ask you to consider this before you act. 

Thank you


  Carlos Rodriguez-DigCom Designs



If you have a question or concern that you think should be posted here, let us know in our Contact Us tab and we'll take a look at it. 

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